Titul FEng

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prosím o vysvětlení zkratky titulu: FEng.


Dobrý den,

Titul FEng.  = označení vědeckého pracovníka Královské akademie inženýrství (the Royal Academy of Engineering) v Londýně.




2. The members shall consist of Royal Fellows, Fellows, Honorary Fellows and International Fellows.

3. The Council shall maintain a roll of Fellows in which shall be inscribed the names of all Fellows and a separate roll or rolls in which the names of members of other classes shall be recorded.

4. The following shall be eligible to become Fellows:

(a) Engineers of British nationality, who, save in circumstances to be decided from time to time by The Academy in General Meeting, shall be Chartered Engineers;

(b) Engineers who are not of British nationality but who, at the time of their election and during such period immediately before their election as may be prescribed in the Regulations, shall be and have been resident and working in the United Kingdom and who shall be Chartered Engineers or have an international engineering status equivalent to that of Chartered Engineer."

5. Royal Fellows shall be such members of the Royal Family as on the invitation of the Council shall agree to become Royal Fellows.

6. Persons not being Fellows who in the opinion of the Council have made or are making a distinguished contribution to the practice of engineering shall be eligible for election as Honorary Fellows. The number of Honorary Fellows shall not at any time exceed fifty and not more than five shall be elected in any one year.

7. Engineers who are not of British nationality but are in the opinion of the Council of international distinction in engineering shall be eligible to be elected as International Fellows. The number of International Fellows shall not at any time exceed one-tenth of the number of Fellows as reported in the most recently published Annual Report of the Academy, nor shall more than ten be elected in any one year.

8. (a) No person may hereafter become a Fellow, Honorary Fellow or International Fellow or a member of any class of The Academy unless he shall have been elected as such by The Academy in General Meeting in accordance with the Charter and these Statutes and no candidate shall be put forward for election unless his name shall have been submitted to the Council in the manner prescribed in the Regulations for the time being in force, provided that not more than sixty persons shall be elected as Fellows in any one year. A person not elected in any year may be put forward for election in subsequent years as the Regulations provide.

(b) A person elected as aforesaid shall not become entitled to the privileges of membership until he has paid the appropriate entrance fee and subscription, signed the appropriate roll and agreed to abide by the Charter and these Statutes.

9. The Council may order the removal from the rolls of members the name of any Fellow or other member whose subscription is in arrear for not less than three months. The Council may also order the removal from the said rolls of the name of a member of any class who in the opinion of the Council has been guilty of conduct unfitting in a member of The Academy, provided that no person's name shall be removed from any roll for this reason unless he shall have been given a reasonable opportunity of calling witnesses and being heard in his own defence by a committee established in accordance with the Regulations by the Council comprising Fellows of which not more than one-third may be members of the Council. The Council may in its discretion restore the name of any person so removed and may impose conditions or requirements for such restoration. On the removal of the name of any person from the roll as aforesaid he shall cease to be a Fellow or member in all respects.

10. Fellows and members of any other classes shall pay such entrance fees and annual subscriptions as the Council may from time to time determine and as may be authorised by The Academy in a General Meeting.

11. Every Fellow and member of any other class shall at all times so order his conduct as to uphold the dignity and reputation of The Academy and of his profession and shall comply with the provisions of his obligations to The Academy, the Charter and of these Statutes.

Zdroj: http://www.raeng.org.uk/about/charter/pdf/Charter_Statutes_2008.pdf


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Datum zadání dotazu

10.05.2013 10:09

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