P. L. Noerr

Text dotazu

Dobrý den, při studiu literatury o souborných katalozích jsem narazil na jméno P. L. Noerra, ale nic bližšího se mi oněm nepodařilo zjistit. Mohli byste mi poradit o koho jde, nebo zjistit něco o jeho činnosti.


Dobrý den,

Peter L. Noerr je současným odborníkem na katalogizační strategii a digitalizaci v knihovnictví.


K jeho osobě přinášejí  níže uvedené informace následující internetové stránky:


"Dr. Peter Noerr - Chief Technology Officer Dr. Noerr's background is in information retrieval, where his extensive design and development experience has culminated in the creation of successful information technology product lines. Dr. Noerr was educated in South Africa and the UK, completing a Doctorate in Information Science from The City University, London. He spent six years working for the British Library as Head of Systems Development. In 1980 he left the Library to co-found IME Ltd. Dr. Noerr designed and produced the Tinman/Information Navigator line of library automation software for the company, selling over 3,000 systems throughout the world by the time the company was sold in 1996. Since then, Dr. Noerr has consulted for a variety of organizations on information management and retrieval. Dr. Noerr has authored many articles and publications and is frequently invited to speak at international conferences. Dr. Noerr is co-founder of MuseGlobal, Inc. and chief architect of the Muse product line. Dr. Noerr currently serves as Chief Technology Officer of MuseGlobal, Inc."

(http://www.museglobal.com/about/team.html )


"Peter Noerr has been working in the library and information field for nearly 40 years and has worked at the British Library and a number of small software companies, supplying both library automation and federated search systems. He has attended ELAG meeting since #1, though not many recently, and has been active in the US in NISO and other organizations. He is responsible for the design of the software of his current company which is used for federated search, information harvesting, semantic normalization, trend analysis, and system interoperation in libraries, aggregators, publishers, government, and enterprises."

(http://elag2011.techlib.cz/en/807-peter-noerr/ )


Vydané knihy a příspěvky Petera Noerra - viz:

* WorldCat: www.worldcat.org

* The Library of Congress: http://catalog.loc.gov/

* The British Library: http://www.bl.uk/


Volně dostupná kniha:



Volně dostupné články:

* Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.cz/

* Primo Central Free- JIB: http://www.jib.cz/V?RN=343208625


Další články je možné dohledat též prostřednictvím online licencovaných databází knihoven (v Národní knihovně ČR jsou dostupné databáze viz http://www.nkp.cz/katalogy-a-db/licencovane-db/prehled-lic-zdroju )


Knihovnictví, informatika, všeobecné, referenční literatura




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

30.05.2013 13:35

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