ice men (ledoví muži)

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I need some help with a Czech saying. I work in a public library in Verdigre, Nebraska and I had a patron who would like to find information on a Czech saying or belief. I"m not sure how to say it. She said that there is a belief that one should not plant any flowers or vegetable until after the "three iron men." Some say the three iron men are on the 11,12 or 13th of May and some say they are on the 12, 13 and 14th of May. It is believed that a Frost (freeze) could come on those days. She said that some people believed that the three iron men had names. I remember hearing about the three iron men when I was a child but I don't know where it started or anything else about them. I was wondering if you could help me. Would you know where this belief came from or how it was started? Do you know if the three iron men had names? I would greatly appreciate any help you could give me.


Iron / Ice, Glacial / Men
12.5. - St. Pancras, 13.5. - St. Servac, 14.5. - St. Bonifac
Dear madam, Reffering to your request of May 23, 2004 please find following:
The period of "The Ice Men" is associated with the number of weather lores predicting a drop of temperatures and an occurrence of rains. "The Ice Men" are one of the oldest ethnometeorological periods of the European temperate zone. The oldest mention of the so-called "Ice Saints" in the Central Europe is from 1415. The oldest Czech weather lores occurred as far back as the beginning of the 17th century. It is the question of the markedly cold, optionally rainy weather with the ground frost (approximately from 1 to 5 degrees Celsius bellow zero) in the
middle of May. The probability that this weather lore comes true ranges from 50 to 60 per cent. These "Ice Men" are very feared, because they can cause a numerous damage to flowering fruit trees (mainly apricot trees, peach trees and walnut trees). I hope this will answer your question.


Antropologie, etnografie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

23.01.2008 14:32

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