i am looking for a manuscript regarding carlos fisher the jewish censor in prague

Text dotazu

carlos or karl fisher was the censor in charge of every book that was printed in prague i am looking for a manuscrip of hi writings that should be located in the prague university library is there any chance you would know of something?


Dear Allen,

the manuscripts of Karl Fischer are spread across multiple institutions including the National Library, the National Museum library and also the Jewish Museum in Prague.

A list of selected number manuscripts held in the National Library, excluding the rewritten catalogues of the University of Prague library from first quarter of the 19th C, can be found in Iveta Cermanová's monograph Na rozhraní křesťanského a židovského světa: příběh hebrejského cenzora a klementinského knihovníka Karla Fischera (1757-1844). However, this publication is written in Czech and may not be available to you. Therefore, we have found some articles, which can be found online and may be of interest to you:

*CERMANOVÁ, Iveta, Iveta CERMANOVÁ a Karel FISCHER. Karl Fischer (1757-1844): I. The life and intellectual world of a Hebrew censor. Judaica Bohemiae [online]. 2006, 42, 125-177 [cit. 2022-01-17]. ISSN 00225738. Available at: https://www.ceeol.com/search/viewpdf?id=237764

*CERMANOVÁ, Iveta. KARL FISCHER (1757-1844) II. THE WORK OF A HEBREW CENSOR. Judaica Bohemiae [online]. 2008, 43, 5-63 [cit. 2022-01-17]. ISSN 00225738. Available at: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=245829

*CERMANOVÁ, Iveta. Between Enlightenment thinkers, rabbis and the State: The censorship of Hebrew books in Bohemia 1781-1848. Judaica Bohemiae [online]. 2011, 46, 325-336 [cit. 2022-01-17]. ISSN 00225738. Available at: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=163599

*CERMANOVÁ, Iveta. Samuel Landau versus Karl Fischer und Eleasar Fleckeles: Der Streit um Priorität und Rabbinertitulaturen in der Prager jüdischen Gemeinde nach dem. Judaica Bohemiae [online]. 2010, 45-2, 71-103 [cit. 2022-01-17]. ISSN 00225738. Available at: https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=191935

Karl Fischer was the author of many writings and there is also some correspondence of his, and also his diary, which has been preserved to this day. We've compiled a short list of selected writings for you, including the shelf marks, however if you wish to aquire copies or look at the materials yourself, please contact the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department, orst@nkp.cz. They will inform you whether the documents are available for study or not.

Selected manuscripts:

*Carolus Fischer: Repertorium et copiarum diplomatum Latinorum et Germanorum. XVIII. ex. - XIX. in., - Prague, National Library of Czech Republic, Shelf mark: VII.H.86.a-b

                - written in Latin, Czech, German

                - rewritten account of Latin and German church documents abolished during the Josephine Reforms, which were stored in the Prague University Library.

*Karl Fischer: Tagebuch über die Amtsgeschäfte im hebräischen Fache für die Jahre 1788-1805 und 1806-1824. 1788-1824, Prague, National Library of Czech Republic, Shelf mark: IX.A.17.a-b

                - written in Czech, German

                - detailed account of Karl Fischers agenda as a censor and translator *Epistolae aliaque Hebraica collecta et notata a me Carolo Fischer, caesareo-regio revisore et censore in Hebraicis et rabbinicis, nato Lichtenstadii districtus Cubitensis. Anno 1812 et seq. 1746-1841 - Prague, National Library of Czech Republic, Shelf mark: XVIII.F.10

                - written in Czech, Hebrew, Judendeutsch, German, Latin, Greek

                - volumes contain epistolary and other records of well/less known Jews in order to preserve and study Hebrew, Rabi language, Judendeutsch and the style of letter written in Hebrew.

*Karl Fischer: Gutmeinung über den Talmud der Hebäer. 1802 - Prague, National Library of Czech Republic, Shelf mark: XIII.B.16

                - written in Czech, German

                - the manuscript of Fischer's post-mortem published work about Talmud

If you would like to inquire details of a specific manuscript or would like to know what others are available, please contact the Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Department, orst@nkp.cz



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Datum zadání dotazu

13.01.2022 23:58

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