Genealogy help?

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I am from America but I have recently moved to Brno for work. My great grandmother was from Znojmo, and I would like to learn more about her. I have a few screenshots of documents about her in a very old German handwriting script from 1934 that I cannot read. I was wondering if you offer services to help with family history search or help discovering where a family member may have lived or where relatives may be buried in local cemeteries?


Dobrý den,

knihovna spravuje pouze fond regionálních osobností (veřejně známých), které mají co dočinění se Znojmem a jeho blízkým okolím. Jelikož nezmiňujete jméno Vaší prababičky, předpokládám, že se jedná o osobu z řad „běžných“ obyvatel, není tedy možné, aby knihovna sloužila jako zdroj hledaných informací.

Doporučuji se Vám obrátit přímo na matriku města Znojma (viz, případně na některý z farních úřadů ve Znojmě. Pokud byste chtěl/a získat informace o žijících členech Vaší rodiny, zkuste kontaktovat místní oddělení evidence obyvatel (viz


in our library you can find the collection of regional personalities who have some bearing on Znojmo and its surroundings. As you do not make reference to the name of your great grandmother, I presume that she should belong to the „common“ inhabitants; it’s not possible to optain information in the library.

I recommend you appeal to the Register Office in Znojmo (see or to some local parish register. If you want to find out information about living members of your family, try to contact the department of population record (see


Historie a pomocné historické vědy. Biografické studie




Datum zadání dotazu

02.11.2018 11:57

Jan Pešula píše:
Středa 07.11.2018 09:18
Welcome to the Czech Republic. Let me give you a few more quick tips:
- Vital records are generally secret (as you perhaps already know, the Czech Republic, together with the rest of the EU, is obsessed with personal data protection) and the official books are kept at the registry office for at least 100 years since the last birth record and 75 years since the last wedding or death. If you are interested in records younger than that, then you should contact the registry office (see the link from the library), but they will ask you to prove your relation to the subject before they provide you with information. The only exception is a death register, which is also kept at the registry office for at least 75 years but "strangers" can access the data after 30 years.
- After the 100- or 75-year term, the registry offices hand the books over to respective regional archives. For Znojmo, it is Moravský zemský archiv (Moravian Provincial Archive) in Brno, which gradually digitizes them and publishes them on the internet. To access the data, go to , switch to English and fill the city you search for. On the next page, you can then search for the person in the indices and in the parish records themselves.
- If you do not find the required book there, then you need to ask at the archive (Palachovo náměstí 723/1, 625 00 Brno, Tel. +420 533 317 534) if they perhaps get it in a paper form, or at the registry in Znojmo, if they perhaps have not sent it yet. If the book is still with the registry but it is more than 100 years since the birth, 75 years from the wedding or 30 years from the death, then they should provide you with the information even if you do not provide relationship, at a small fee (about 20 CZK per request, I believe). For younger records, proving your relationship would be a must.
- If you think your relative was publically active (and you will be surprised how many people especially in the 19th century were - if nothing else than contributing to a charity or participating in some event), then you can try to search for his name in a newspaper. The Austrian National Library in Vienna has digitized two German-language periodicals from Znojmo (Znaim) - Znaimer Tagblatt ( ) and Znaimer Wochenblatt ( ). To search in them, go to the main search page ( ), fill the name into the box and then limit the selection on title ("Titel"), place of publication ("Erscheinungsort") and/or time period ("Zeitraum"). You may be lucky, or not, but it is worth trying.

This is where I would start, if I were you. Knowledge of German (and Czech) would of course help you. If you have trouble reading the old German Gothic handwriting, then you may try this table: (picture at the left), but it is usually a challenge.

Enjoy your stay in the Czech Republic and good luck in your research. Hope it will be an exciting adventure!
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