Czech song

Text dotazu

My grandparents came to the US in the late 1800's, Karel Vavricka and Mary Havelka. My mother used to sing a song to us I believed to be in Czech. I don't have the written words only my guess as to what they are. How can I find out about the song ( what it means, where it came from, etc)? Here is my interpretation of the way the words sounded to me.

Hopey, hopey, gutschke snedily glopie
gutyathe se nedale ja m thuckey nedale

Can you help??? Thank you


We suppose that the song or nursery rhyme which you have in your mind could be this one (I tried to translate it to English, I hope it will be comprehensible):

Houpy, houpy, houpy, (interjection from the word "dandle")

kočka snědla kroupy, (the cat ate groats)

kocour hrách (tom-cat peas)

na kamnách. (on the stove)

Koťata se hněvaly, (kittens were angry)

že jim taky nedali. (because they did not get too)

Houpy, houpy, houpy, (interjection from the word "dandle")

byli všichni hloupí. (all of them were stupid)

Sometimes it is used just a shorter version of this nursery rhyme, maybe this is what you remember:

Houpy, houpy, houpy,

kočka snědla kroupy,

koťata se hněvala,

že jim taky nedala.

Songs and nursery rhymes were spread by folk tales from one generation to another. So they have no author, nobody knows where they came from. Some of them are used only in some regions of our country so it is probable they arised there.

Resources where we found information:

Česká říkadla, hádanky a básničky [Czech nursery rhymes, riddles and songs].

Praha: Egmont ČR, 2002. ISBN 80-7186-695-4.

Web page






Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

14.12.2007 12:17

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