Book : Škrétové : Karel Škréta a jeho syn

Text dotazu

Dear Madam, Sir,
As there is no copy of J? Neumann's book "Škrétové : Karel Škréta a jeho syn" ([…]00980974&local_base=NKC) in Paris and I can't read very much Czech, I would like to know if the frontispiece of Jacques Bittner's "Pieces de lut" ( is mentioned at all, and if yes, if it is attributed to the younger Škréta. I have looked at the thumbnails of the digital copy and there is in any case no reproduction of it, but maybe the book contains a catalogue ?
Incidentally, I found no link from the English version of the homepage of this service to an English version of the form.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
François-Pierre Goy


The book Škrétové: Karel Škréta a jeho syn is available in digital version (, but unfortunatelly for you, it’s possible to see the copy, only if you have the readers registration in our National library.

There is the possibility to use fulltext search, so we’ve looked into the document, and we found no mention of Jacques Bittner, or Pieces de lut…

We also tried to find this information anywhere else in our catalogue, but without answer.

We wish you good luck with your search. 


Umění, architektura, muzeologie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

25.10.2016 08:07

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