Smirdin's library

Text dotazu

Could you please check if the title:Третия таблица, продолжение двух первых, представляющая правила игры в простые шашки.- М.: Университетская тип., 1838, 24 с. is present in the collection of books of Smirdin? I assume that since it was shown by Kalashnikov (one of the last owner of Smirdin's library, this book should be part of his collection. Thank you in advance.


We are afraid, but the book is not in our collections. The rests of Smirdin's library form a part of the collection of Slavonic Library of the National Library, but this book is not there. According to our colleagues from Slavonic Library we have ca 10 to 20 percent of the original Smirdin's library and there is no book concerning the chess in this part of the library. The rest of the Smirdin's library was dispersed so we cannot recommend you a library which could have the book.

About Smirdin's library:


Knihovnictví, informatika, všeobecné, referenční literatura




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

07.05.2009 09:02

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