Josef Sudek - Exhibition Catalogue

Text dotazu

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am looking for the catalogue that was published for a solo exhibition of Josef Sudek’s photography in the Czechoslovak Writers’ Building in 1963. The curator of the exhibition and author of the catalogue was Jan Řezáč. Here is more information about the publication:

Josef Sudek. Katalog a text Jan Řezáč. Praha, Výstavní síň nakladatelství Ceskoslovenský spisovatel, zahájení 18. ledna.

The above information I found in the bibliography of Anna Fárová’s monograph Josef Sudek (Praha: Torst, 1995).

Please let me know in which library’s collections I might find this catalogue. I would like to view this catalogue either in person, or as a digitized document (if one exists).

Moc děkuji za Vaši pomoc!

Best wishes,
Alexandra (Sasha) Whittaker
Charles University, Faculty of Arts
Macaulay Honors College at City College/CUNY


Dear Madam,

the National Library of the Czech Republic has not got this publication in the library collection.

UMPRUM Library owns that document. The library is going to write you an e-mail. They have your e-mail address. The catalogue is deposited out of UMPRUM. The next week they prepare it for you.


Umění, architektura, muzeologie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

16.11.2015 08:00

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