History of Prague

Text dotazu

I need some infomations about the history of The New Town in Praha. Some details about Vaclav Square,National Museum,Churches and Charles Brigde. Thank you so much.


We write to you some tips for the books about history of Prague. All if these books are available in the National Library of Czech Republic (information about registration you can see
http://www.nkp.cz/_en/pages/page.php3?nazev=Rules_and_Regulations&submenu2=4 ). Other Books you can look up in online catalogue of National Library NKC on web site http://sigma.nkp.cz:4505/F/?func=file&file_name=base-list&CON_LNG=ENG ; if you want to look up the books in other czech libraries too, please use Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic (CASLIN) SKC at the same web site.
We used during the search subject like Prague, history, architecture, etc.
Then you can use limit for document type or language, too. The bibliographic records you can adapt by functions "refine" or "filter".
* BEČKOVÁ, Kateřina. Lost Prague : the city's historic centre. [translation Gita Zbavitelová]. 1st pub.. Prague ; Litomyšl : Paseka : Schola ludus - Pragensia, 2007. 126 s. ISBN  978-80-7185-837-9 (Ladislav Horáček - Paseka : váz.) *  978-80-902505-5-0 (Schola ludus - Pragensia : váz.)

* RIPELLINO, Angelo Maria. Magic Prague. (Translated by David Newton Marinelli). Berkley : University of California Press, 1994. vii, 333 s. ISBN 0-520-07352-5.
- if you are user of National Library CR, you can order this book in scanned catalogues KATIF ( http://katif.nkp.cz/Default.aspx?lang=1, choose General catalogue II/ RAST - RUDOLF/ RICHTERE-RIP/955)

* ŘEZÁČ, Michal; KRÁTKÁ, Petra. Prague : the treasure landmarks. 1st ed..
Plzeň : Fraus, c2006. 128 s. + 1 složená mapa (32 x 42 cm). ISBN 80-7238-406-6.

* SALFELLNER, Harald. Prague : the golden city : a book of photographs with texts about the history, art and culture of the city on the Vltava. [Praha] : Vitalis, c2004. 120 s. ISBN 80-7253-094-1.

* TAKVA, Bedřich. Prague and its history. [Prague] : Baset, 1999. 96 s. ISBN 80-86223-04-3.

* Prague, mother of cities. [Theme and text by] Marie Vitochová, Jindřich Kejř, [photographs by] Miloslav Hušek ; [translated into English by Václav Hromas]. 1st ed.. [Prague] : V ráji, 2003. 78 s. ISBN 80-86758-04-4.

* KOTALÍK, Jiří T.; VÁVRA, David; FRIČ, Pavel. Czech Republic : images of architecture. Praha : For Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic published by Titanic, 2005. 142 s. ISBN 80-86652-21-1.


Historie a pomocné historické vědy. Biografické studie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

07.05.2009 09:07

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