Czech publications: Humoristické listy, Česke Slovo, Lidové noviny, Simplicus: satirický týdeník, Pestrý týden and Prager Presse (1932-1934).

Text dotazu

Good morning,
I am a student of the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain. I am investigating the Czech publications: Humoristické listy, Česke Slovo, Lidové noviny, Simplicus: satirický týdeník, Pestrý týden and Prager Presse.
For my research work I need to check all the numbers for the years 1932, 1933 and 1934.
In relation, with these magazines and newspapers. I would like to realize the following questions:
 Has your library all the numbers corresponding to the years 1932, 1933 and 1934 of these publications?
 If you do not have the complete collection, Might you tell me that another library has it?
Already I know that the magazines and the newspapers cannot lend.
Has your library a microfilm (positive) of Humoristické listy, Česke Slovo, Lidové noviny, Simplicus: satirický týdeník, Pestrý týden and Prager Presse of the years 1932, 1933 and 1934?
Might you lend it to the National Library of Spain in order that I could consult it there?
In case that your library doesn’t have the microfilm or you can not lend it me: Might you make any copy of some numbers and send me it to National Library of Spain in Madrid?
Please, if you see feasibly any of these options indicate the prices to me.
Thank you very much for your help and for your attention.
Excuse me please for the inconveniences that my consultations could cause you.
Best regards.


Dear Sir,

in the stock of the National Libraries of the Czech Republic  we have all periodicals that you have mentioned in your query. Unfortunately because of their state and years most of the are damaged and it is not possible to lend them for the users. And moreover the periodicals can not be lent througt interlibrary loan services as you already wrote in your e-mail. The loan of microfilm has to be agreed with Department of reference and interlibrary loan services of the NL ( and every loan is individual, it means not every microfilm can be lent.

I will write you the accessibility of all periodicals and suggestion what should be best for you.

* Humoristické listy: archiv českého rozmaru a vtipu. Vilímek, Josef Richard, ed. Praha: Josef Richard Vilímek, 1858-1941. ISSN 1802-7210. 

Is is available in the digital library called Kramerius ( Some parts are also available in a paper copy.


* České slovo: ústřední orgán České strany národně sociální. Praha: Melantrich, 1907-1945.

Available in paper form and microfilm as well.


* Lidové noviny. Brno: Vydavatelské družstvo Lidové strany, 1893-1945. ISSN 1802-6265.

Available in the digital library Kramerius.


* Simplicus: satirický týdeník. Praha: František Bidlo, 1934.

It was published just in the year 1934. The exemplar is only in paper and the newspapers are in the bad condition, so it can not be lent. The copy order has to be agreed with workers who cares about these kinds of damaged newspapers. The making copy is individual according to the state of newspapers. The periodical was founded just in the National Library.  


* Pestrý týden. Praha: V. Neubert a synové, 1926-1945. ISSN 1801-4429.

It is available only in the digital library Kramerius.


* Prager Presse. Praha: Orbis, 1921-1938.

It is available in the paper copy.



Now I would like to write the potential options for you. The best would be probably order of copy. If you exactly know which part of the newspapers do you need (which articles, issues, sites, etc.), we can make them from all periodicals (Simplicus is not sure now). You can  order copies as a private person (use e-mail address or for cpy from Kramerius use form ) or through your library (it means library will order the copies for you - then the library will use e-mail The copies can be used only for personal or research needs.

According to the readability we can make a copy A4 or A3 format.

The copy from microfilm will be only black and white; from paper or digital library Kramerius it can be also coloured (it depends on newspapers original).


The price of copies you can find in the price list of the National Library (

Copy from microfilm costs 8 Czech crowns (A4) and 9,50 crowns (A3). In can be only black and white.¨ Copy from digital library Kramerius black and white 2 crowns (A4) and 4 crowns (A3); coloured 12 crowns (A4) and 19 crowns (A3).

The price of copy from paper exemplar black and white A4 costs 10 crowns, A3 costs 13 crowns; coloured copy costs  12 crowns (A4)  and 19 crowns (A3).


In the digital library Kramerius ( you can search, but the fultext you will see only  at periodicals which were published to the year 1890 and monographs to the year 1880. But it can help you to find some articles. Order of copies from Kramerius can be also made by formulaire (


The total price includes postage, Packing fee 35 crowns and Additional fee for preparation of order (for documents in paper origin).


If you would like to lend a newspapers which are available at microfilm, your library would contact interlibrary loan service of our National Library (, 


The accesability of the periodicals you can find out in Union catalog of the Czech Republic (database SKC at web site


Hope this answer is useful for you. Do not hesitate to ask us for additional information, if you need.



Knihovnictví, informatika, všeobecné, referenční literatura




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

21.05.2013 07:12

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