Antonín Dvořák

Text dotazu

I am looking for sakred music by A. Dvorak. Just now I can not find the second version of the duet O sanctissima dulcis virgo Maria! B 95Bbis op 19a for soprano and contralto.


I'm responding to your enquiry about Dvorak's O sanctissima... The second version of the duet O sanctissima dulcis virgo Maria (95Bbis op. 19a) - for soprano and contralto has been never published according to Jarmil Burghauser's Antonín Dvořák Thematic Catalogue. There is also written in the book:
"This newly found autograph was offered for sale by the Musikantiquariat Hans Schneider (8132 Tutzing über München) at the beginning of 1970. The dealer published its description and a fascimile of the first page in his catalogue. There is no information about its purchase." 

Within the context of this, I'm afraid, our library can't help you more with this question.


Historie a pomocné historické vědy. Biografické studie




Národní knihovna ČR

Datum zadání dotazu

07.05.2009 09:24

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